To create a portal for publishing literary magazines.
Upon the customer's approval, the team decided to develop a website on their own CMS system.
For the visitors’ convenience, the site is divided by publication categories, as well as by magazines.
Selection by text volume, authors' rating, and the ability to send invitations for registration to literary magazines.
Ability for magazines to add information about their issues. Authors can add publications and share them in their social networks.
It is also possible to upload your publications by authors, without linking to magazines.
When a magazien publishes an author's article, the author receives an invitation from the portal to his own profile.
Our own CMS is faster, more secure (the source code is not shared), and is meant for the customer's specific tasks.
We added the "Critic" user type, who can interpret and evaluate publications on the portal.
A simple and concise visual solution for users who care about information, its quality and loading speed. Thanks to the creation of the portal, the customer was able to make a competent transition of printed publications to the online space.