Interactive Game for Kids to Study Alphabet
Browser Games and NFT Games
To create an interactive game for children aged 4 to 7 to study alphabet in a challenging way.
The project is implemented in a way to build it into sites with a target audience. Tasks are divided into milestones (20 in total) and selected in terms of specific nature of young users.
The colorful design of the game is developed with respect to children's perception and ensures intuition about tasks and pictures, without reading the name of the product.
The letters are designed in form of characters that boost the interest during the game progress.
Tasks are based on simple actions: to drag a figure, chose a letter on the keyboard. Sounding of tasks (syllables, tasks content, animals) has been implemented. To implement it, we used a programming interface based on recognition and speech synthesis technology. You can also give voice answers. To determine the softness of a sound, it was added a color change of the letter in the task.
The game does not replace the standard forms of education, but attracts the children who are engaged in computer and world cognition while playing.