Game: Information Security in Social Networks
Browser Games and NFT Games

To create a game for OJSC Severstal staff to learn basics of data security.
The team was faced with a task to come up with training while playing. Our game designer took a simulated situation as a basis for the plot. A meeting is taking place between an employee of OJSC Severstal and an employee of the Information Security Department.
It comes about a leak of confidential information through social networks. A player needs to analyze a certain number of social profiles and find violations that cause data loss.
For the clear uptake of content before starting the game, it is proposed to undergo briefly on theory and then, in the process, to apply gained knowledge in game practice.
The game has a different duration (10, 15, 20 minutes). The task is to find violations in the proposed profiles of people and drag them to the basket of data violations.
To support competitive mood, a special schedule of the company's capitalization has been introduced into the game, which decreases with every minute and every wrong answer.
The game can be paused, then capitalization fall is stopped.
The team created this project for integration into the distance learning system for the employees of OJSC Sevestal. The effectiveness of game learning has been proven many times over the traditional methods of lectures and exams. Information adopted in a simulated game situation is processed much better.
